Covid crisis far from over as numbers climb

WITH Covid numbers are continuing to climb this week, the Western Trust has pleaded with everyone to get vaccinated, particularly young people. Over the past week there were 99 cases in the Fermanagh and Omagh area, up on 86 last week. Unfortunately, the Department of Health dashboard does not have an update on the local […]

Plans in motion for walk-in vaccine centre in Fermanagh

AS THE vaccine programme continues to be rolled out at pace, plans are currently afoot to provide a ‘walk in’ vaccination service in Fermanagh. While details of the local plan have yet to be finalised by the Western Trust, with the arrangements expected to be announced in due course, it is expected to take place […]

Calls for enquiry as health waiting lists grow again

WITH doctors warning that pressure on GP services and emergency departments is being exacerbated by the number of patients languishing on ever growing waiting lists, the latest statistics from the Department of Health make grim reading. There are currently tens of thousands of local patients waiting either out patient or in patient treatment, and the […]

Maternity staff face ‘verbal abuse’ over visiting restrictions

MATERNITY STAFF at SWAH have faced “verbal abuse” and “harassment” over visiting restrictions not updated by the Trust. The easing of maternity restrictions initially came as welcome news, however hope changed to disappointment after a number of mothers-to-be seen their partner denied access over the past week despite the change of rule. The Trust was […]

Failing Out of Hours GP services playing ‘roulette’ with patient welfare

THE current GP Out of Hours services provided for the Western Health and Social Care Trust has been heavily criticised after figures showed many instances of no cover. During a meeting of the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s Policy and Resources Committee, one member remarked on the unacceptable playing of “roulette” in terms of patient […]