‘Back off Boris’ protest at Belcoo this weekend

THERE will be a protest on Belcoo bridge this Saturday to demonstrate local concern over the British Government’s threat to trigger Article 16, and to show support for the Brexit Protocol. The demonstration will be part of a series of protests taking place at various points on the border calling on Boris Johnson to ‘back off’. […]

Concern over reduction of occupied beds

THERE is growing concern over the reduction of occupied beds at the SWAH, particularly in surgical and maternity services. Figures seen by the ‘Herald have revealed the number of occupied beds at the Enniskillen hospital fell from 70,424 in 2018 to 60,802 in 2020. While Covid restrictions may understandably account for some of that reduction, a breakdown […]

Need for new traffic lights in Enniskillen questioned

QUESTIONS have been raised over the need for a new lighted pedestrian crossing in Enniskillen. The new ‘puffin’ crossing at the junction of Queen Elizabeth Road and and Belmore Street, at what is known as ‘the ramp’, was put into operation last week. It replaces a traditional non-lighted ‘zebra’ crossing which had been in place at […]

Safety concerns over Rainbow Crossings

A MEETING of the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Policy and Resources Committee has heard of potential issues around Rainbow Crossings for some people with disabilities. The initiative came to life after Foyle Pride Committee approached Derry City and Strabane District Council who unanimously agreed to back the call for a Rainbow Crossing showing LGBTQ+ community. […]

Concerns over lack of temporary respite care

AN ENNISKILLEN mother who suffers from a serious form of COPD has spoken out against disability services in Fermanagh after her highly autistic son was denied temporary respite care for the last ten years. Caroline Diver is a full-time carer to her son Barney who has had severe health problems since the age of four. […]

Enniskillen street brawl goes viral

AS LOCAL businesses open up and try to get back on their feet following a challenging 18 months, Enniskillen has been hit by negative publicity after a video of a night brawl at the weekend went viral on social media. The video, which was shared hundreds of times on social media, showed a number of men […]

Calls for ‘common sense’ approach to broadband improvement scheme

  THERE have been calls for a more “common sense” approach to the major rural broadband improvement scheme that is currently being rolled out by the Executive, with many Fermanagh homes in need of an upgrade being left out of the project. Since the announcement of the postcodes in line for improvement under Project Stratum, […]

Gridlock again… Ring of steel around town centre

Roads blocked off and diversion signs create the perfect storm of traffic chaos. SERIOUS questions are being asked of the Department for Infrastructure and Fermanagh and Omagh District Council about the timing and decision-making behind the series of roadworks currently underway around Enniskillen. One retailer has likened the roadworks at Queen Elizabeth Road, Mill Street, […]

BELLEEK UPDATE: Firefighters respond to significant flooding

LAST NIGHT firefighters from Belleek and Enniskillen Fire Station responded to reports of significant flooding across 2 main roads in Belleek. Firefighters from Ballyshannon Fire Station also attended the incident.   A spokesperson from the NIFRS said, “A male had become trapped in his car but was out of the vehicle when Firefighters arrived. “Firefighters […]

Warning to pet owners as temperatures soar

WITH THE hot weather due to continue there have been urgent warnings to pet owners to keep their animals safe in the heat, and to avoid a repeat of the heartbreaking scenes in Enniskillen a few years ago. Exactly two years ago this week, in July 2019, a husky puppy passed away after being left […]