Niamh and Conor tie the knot… eventually!

WHILE Covid restrictions on weddings continue to cause heartbreak among many local couples. For new bride Niamh McGovern, planning her big day within ‘five weeks’ to husband Conor last month proved to be no task, having loved him since the age of 16. Speaking on their journey to the altar, Niamh told the Herald, “In […]

Learn to live with virus

A FERMANAGH doctor has said he fears Covid lockdowns are doing more harm than good in the community, and has urged the powers-that-be not to impose heavy restrictions at Christmas. Dr Brendan O’Hare, who lost his 89-year-old father to the virus just weeks ago, told the Herald he is “becoming increasingly concerned about the unintended […]

Hundreds of workers paying heavy a price for lockdown

WITH many sectors of the local economy currently ‘locked down’ again, and with the furlough scheme coming to an end, many families across the Fermanagh are struggling to make ends meet.  In many cases families are finding it hard to pay their bills or feed their children, and with restrictions set to continue, so to […]

New restrictions pose headache for crossborder workers

COUNCILLORS on both sides of the border have called for an “All-Ireland approach” with regards to Covid restrictions. On Monday night, Cabinet Ministers in the South agreed to put the country into highest alert level five from today (Wednesday) for six weeks.  Despite this, further lockdown restrictions imposed by Stormont last Friday do not amount […]

‘Here we go again’ businesses brace for the worst

FOR Cocoon Health and Beauty owner Carmel McElroy, Stormont’s announcement came as a “knife through the heart.” Speaking to the Herald, the Lisnaskea business woman and mother-of-one revealed, “We were closed for four months and to think that now we are faced with at least another month is heartbreaking. “The short notice meant that myself […]