Safety of our elderly ‘must be top priority’

THE FERMANAGH public has been urged to be very sensible and highly vigilant when it comes to visiting elderly relatives for the foreseeable future, as the coronavirus spreads across the country.  While the virus is not currently in Fermanagh, that we are aware of, medical experts have advised the public to take measures to ensure […]

Spread of virus now seems inevitable, warns local GP

IF AND when Covid-19 hits Fermanagh those in our community who are more vulnerable to the virus have been urged by local doctors to take special measures to protect themselves. Both Ederney GP Dr Brendan O’Hare, pictured below and Enniskillen GP Dr Johnny Guette, from Devenish Practice, have stressed that, at the time of going […]

Flu vaccine

Public urged to get flu jabs to avoid delays

ANYONE who should be getting the flu vaccine is urged to get their jab as early possible this year to avoid the delays and even chaos we witnessed last year.  Last year there were issues with flu vaccine supplies locally and it took a lot longer than doctors had hoped to roll out the vaccination […]