‘We need to look to the future’ – Fr Brian D’Arcy

SECURING a bariatric surgery hub at the SWAH would be a “building block” to help sustain wider services into the future, officials from the Department of Health have been told. Among those to address the officials who took time out to meet with SOAS volunteers on Thursday, when the group travelled to Stormont to deliver […]

Royal College director pays a visit to SWAH

ELECTIVE surgery at the SWAH is continuing to grow, with the hospital being lauded as “a great example” of reform of the health service. While Fermanagh patients are continuing to have to travel two hours to Altnagelvin in urgent situations, following the Western Trust’s removal of emergency general surgery from the Enniskillen hospital, efforts are […]

Junior doctors take to the picket lines

JUNIOR doctors in Fermanagh and across the North have begun their first ever strike action, taking to the picket lines this morning (Wednesday) as part of an ongoing dispute over pay and conditions. Anyone with a hospital appointment today is likely to have it rescheduled, with “significant disruption to hospital services” expected as a result of the industrial action, which […]

Coná and Shea take the plunge with new Cold Water Club

A NEW cold water group called Cold Water Club has dived into Fermanagh waters. The new group has been started by newlyweds Coná and Shea Daly who host local swim socials to help people get involved in cold water swimming. Coná had been doing events under her Instagram page dipsnhips for the last two years before starting the […]

Calls increase to protect health scheme

THE FAMILY of a local man who recently avoided a traumatic hospital stay thanks to a pioneering local health project has called for the scheme to be protected in the long-term for the benefit of both patients and the health service. ‘Hospital at Home’ was first introduced by the Western Trust at four local care […]

Fermanagh care staff completely stressed out by system

A FERMANAGH carer has spoken out about the daily challenges in delivering care to those who need it in the local community, outlining how it is not a shortage of staff that is leading to issues, but the system itself. The frustrated carer reached out to the Herald in response to our reporting on the heartbreaking […]

‘Fermanagh community is united behind our hospital’

THE POWER of the people of Fermanagh in the fight to save SWAH services is continuing to grow, with the current campaign to bring bariatric surgery to the hospital bringing the entire community together. As previously reported by the Herald, the Department of Health is currently running a consultation on the future of obesity services, which […]

COLUMN: 300% increase in use of yoga and meditation

A STUDY published on January 31st, 2024 which featured in the New York Times, and was conducted by the National Institute of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), revealed that the use of yoga and meditation for health conditions experienced significant growth from 2002 to 2022. Researchers gathered data points over a […]