Enniskillen Olympic triathlete won the Vodafone Dublin City Triathalon at the weekend, defending his title in the process
Leading lord taken aback by ‘fantastic Enniskillen’
Follow on Twitter @bateslord. To make a donation, visit his Just Giving page at justgiving.com/LordBates.
Police getting to grips with night time crime
POLICE in Fermanagh are getting to grips with crime associated with the ‘night time economy’
Christmas in August…only in Fermanagh!
It may only be August, but Christmas has come early to an Enniskillen retailer.
Free wi-fi on its way to Enniskillen town
FREE Wi-Fi is coming to town, thanks to a new programme being rolled out by Fermanagh District Council.
Enniskillen woman is new CEO for Waterways Ireland
A FERMANAGH woman has made history as she heralds a new era by becoming the first woman to be chief executive of Waterways Ireland.
Normal service is resumed as £1.6 million church reopens
AFTER one of the biggest ever restoration projects ever to take place in Fermanagh, Enniskillen Presbyterian Church will open again on Sunday for 11am morning service.
Exorcism and the occult part of new horror film set in Fermanagh
Fermanagh became the centre recently for a documentary horror film that involved two local actors.
Ruck ‘N’ Roll festival brings something for everyone
As the closing notes rang out at the Ruck ‘N’ Roll festival in the Enniskillen rugby club, many patrons made their way to a nearby field to indulge in the camping element.
Enniskillen is back in business following G8
Just over a week since the G8 leaders departed from the Fermanagh turf and retailers in Enniskillen are happy to report they didn’t take the customers with them.