Swimmers Cora and Ellie in Irish national squad

TWO top swimmers in the county have been selected for the Swim Ireland National Panel Performance Pathway. Lakelanders swimmers Cora Rooney and Ellie McCartney are to receive special training when they join Ireland’s brightest prospects which include current and prospective international champions as they are guided towards upcoming events like the 2021 Europe and World […]

Remembering the Enniskillen man who swam to Scotland…

ENNISKILLEN’S renowned long distance swimmer Ted Keenan has been recognised for his North Channel swim, way back in 1973. Ted was only the third person ever to conquer the North Channel swim between Ireland and Scotland. Now, the man who swam the original  ‘triple crown’, the English, North and Bristol Channels, (he’s one of only […]

Swimmer Ellie’s taken to the lough for training

  LOCKDOWN hasn’t bothered swimmer Ellie McCartney too much. The talented Enniskillen swimmer has been concentrating on her training routine in novel ways. Recently she has taken to Lough Erne to put in the hours needed to be an elite swimmer with Ireland. Now she’s heading to Spain with her mother Mary for a short […]


Big medal hauls for McCartney and McManus

The 2018 Irish Summer Nationals took place last week in Dublin with swimmers from all over Ireland and Europe and beyond participating. The largest swimming event in Ireland saw 130 events and finals split into almost 500 heats with 4,630 entries by 830 swimmers competing at the National Aquatic Centre. Some 36 clubs from outside […]