Belmore Street was closed off and specially trained police negotiators were called in to deal with the situation last night.
Popular jetty is closed due to ‘anti-social behaviour’
David Morrison from the Killyhevlin Lakeside Hotel said it was with “some regret, but yet relief” the water sports jetty had been closed at the hotel.
New houses hint at green shoots in property market
Housing boost planned for Lisbellaw and Ballinamallard
Anti-social behaviour spoils summer fun on loughshore
BOTTLES and beer cans thrown in the lough, bins set on fire, rubbish strewn across scenic spots, and, worst of all, lifebouys ripped out and dumped in the water – just some of the common sights around Fermanagh over the past couple of weeks. Since the heatwave began, jetties and other popular sunning spots have […]
Fate of stroke unit set to be revealed this month
THE review expected to seal the fate of the stroke unit at the South West Acute Hospital, whether for good or ill, is due to be released this month. It’s almost exactly two years since the Herald revealed the state-of-the-art unit, rated as one of the best of its kind in Europe, was under threat […]
Teachers assualted by primary children
TEACHERS in both primary schools and post-primary schools right across Fermanagh are being attacked by pupils, it has been revealed. Figures published by investigative website last week showed there were well over 100 pupils suspended at schools of all levels here in the county during the 2016/17 academic year. The reasons given for these […]
United Ireland still a long shot, according to polls
Michelle Gildernew MP has said reunification remains “a realistic objective”
‘Health bosses are putting a price on my son’s life!’
Fermanagh parents in fight for cystic fibrosis wonder drug
Fresh appeal after pair are rescued from stranded boat
TWO people have been rescued after their boat ran aground after losing power on Upper Lough Erne last week. Carrybridge RNLI launched both it’s inshore lifeboat and the its rescue water craft (RWC) last Friday afternoon, May 25th, after the Belfast Coastguard alerted the station to a 30ft cruiser in need of assistance on the […]
Health funding boost on the way for south Fermanagh
HEALTH care across the county, but particularly in south Fermanagh, could soon see a much-needed boost in local health services thanks to a multi-million Euro cross-border project. Funding is to be provided for A&E services across the entire Western Trust area as part of the EU-funded €8.8 million Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT) Acute Services […]