Tributes paid to popular Teemore home help Tiesy

THE death has taken place of a popular carer in the Teemore, Kinawley and Derrylin community. Known for her caring and generous nature Teresa Curry, (Tiesy), of Aughintra died aged 84 years. After receiving her early education at Swanlinbar National School she began her career at Blakes of Derrylin where she was employed in all […]

Rise in obesity related deaths

OBESITY related deaths have almost doubled in the past eight years according to recently published government statistics.  A total of sixty-four deaths were caused by obesity in 2016, just shy of a 50% increase since 2008. Over a quarter of adults in the North are now classed as obese and this has a significant impact […]

Appeal for return of treasured GAA county medals

A DEVASTATED former Teemore Shamrocks footballer has appealed for the return of his Fermanagh senior championship medal which he won in 1969 after it was cruelly stolen when his house was burgled. Bernard Murphy, who is originally from Teemore, had his house in Enniskillen ransacked during the early hours of Sunday morning, and a number […]

Devenish and Teemore do it again

If GAA mandarins are wondering how to structure a championship, they could do worse than take a little trip down to the Lakelands.

Category: GAA