IT ONCE was the hub of supplying the “finest cooked meats” but after the famous Flynn’s Fine Foods closed down the site and factory is now on sale for £130,000.
Jobs hope for workers laid off at Flynns
THE shock at the lay-off of some 40 employees of Flynns Foods in Roslea has been eased by news that a number of local firms are looking for staff, with one local firm in the meat trade looking for ten operatives.
We did our best, says Foster’s department
IN response to a perceived lack of political action to help save Flynn’s Fine Foods of Roslea, Arlene Foster and her department have hit back in the wake of criticism.
Come and talk to us, urges local credit
THE closure of Flynns Fine Foods is beginning to put the squeeze on ex-employees with savings in Roslea Credit Union, and on the credit union itself.