THE Loughshore Rd between Enniskillen and Belleek is closed following a serious single vehicle RTC.
Sectarian concerns over church attacks
A spate of attacks on Protestant churches in predominately nationalist areas has sparked fears of a return to sectarian hate crime
Parishes welcome new African Minister
A NEW chapter in the history of the parishes of Garrison, Slavin, Belleek and Kiltyclogher will be written on Friday evening when Nigerian Reverend Ngozi Njoku is instituted as the new rector.
World champion Dineka battles in the bog
Belleek bog snorkelling champion Dineka Maguire was in action at the Northern Ireland Championships at the weekend
Belleek hotel soon back in business
Back in January, the hotel ceased trading and went into administration
Carlton Hotel in Belleek attacked overnight
Sinn Fein MLA Phil Flanagan has condemned an arson attack on The Carlton Hotel, Belleek overnight.
Fire fighters tackle ‘deliberate’ gorse fires
FIREFGHTERS in the county, and across the border, are being stretched to the limit coping with huge gorse fires which were started deliberately.
Man spared jail after fourth conviction for no insurance
Belleek man caught without insurance who was told he narrowly avoided going to jail sentenced to 18 months probation