Face the facts of healthy skin care

FACIALS are often seen as luxuries and something we treat ourselves to maybe two or three times a year. But they are a vital part of the skin cleansing process and it is recommended that we undergo a facial at least every six weeks. They help to clean out clogged pores allowing the skin to […]

The safest and best way to fake the bronzed look

IT WAS reported last week that a young mum of two died from skin cancer after she developed melanoma. Her family blamed her incessant use of sunbeds to top up her tan as the cause of the cancer. Research has shown that people who have ever used a sunbed are 20 percent more likely to […]

Perfect arm candy for the season

With the festive season on the horizon and local shops embracing Christmas cheer, albeit a tad too early, the time is (almost) upon us to start thinking about the party season.