Fermanagh actor Lawson supports sex abuse campaign

OPENING up about a terrifying ordeal as a child, Fermanagh actor Charlie Lawson has revealed that he escaped being a victim of sexual abuse by the ‘skin of my teeth’. Best known for playing Jim McDonald in Coronation Street, the Enniskillen-born actor has linked up with well-known author Emma-Jane Taylor in an new campaign to […]

‘Happy Days’ for Garrity after his care home tour

Fermanagh singer John Garrity has said he was ‘blessed’ to be able to perform to clients and members of care homes across the North. At the start of January, the ‘Belfast Busker’ embarked on an exciting project where he wanted to give something back to the community by performing in a number of venues for […]

Podcast host stops off at St Kevin’s College

A Fermanagh podcaster and motivational speaker stopped off in Lisnaskea to offer some advice to the pupils and staff at St Kevin’s College. As part of the celebrations for ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’, Enniskillen podcast host Geraldine McGrath was the special guest at the Lisnaskea school and she felt it was a very important workshop. […]

Local lineup confirmed for Fermanagh People’s Assembly

A FERMANAGH woman is set to chair the upcoming People’s Assembly meeting at the Westville Hotel in Enniskillen which will discuss what a new Ireland ‘might look like’. On Thursday, February 22, a large crowd is expected to attend the event, organised by Sinn Féin, which will give people living in the area the chance to […]

Sean Magee set for Donegal Town

Fermanagh multi-instrumentalist Sean Magee is set to headline a major performance at The Abbey Hotel in Donegal Town on Saturday. It’s been a busy time for the Enniskillen man who’s been performing in some of the biggest venues across the North during January. Magee kicked off his 2024 campaign in style with a sold-out show […]

Huge turnout in Enniskillen as BT staff fight for jobs

DESPERATE efforts to save more than 300 jobs at the BT Group branch in Enniskillen have given devastated employees a glimmer of hope. Last night (Tuesday), hundreds of Enniskillen BT employees and their families attended a crunch meeting at the Westville Hotel in Enniskillen organised by the Communication Workers Union (CWU), to see what, if […]

Donagh mourns death of ‘gifted’ Steven Ingram

THE Donagh community has been left saddened following the death of ‘one of the greats’ Steven Ingram who dedicated his life to family and football. Mr Ingram, who was commonly known as ‘Nudie’, passed away peacefully on Tuesday. A devout sportsman, Mr Ingram was a dedicated member of the St Patrick’s Donagh GAA club, both […]

Fermanagh priest Fr Gary Donegan awaiting third surgery

JUST hours after he underwent surgery on his eye, Fr Gary Donegan has confirmed that he’s going to have to go under the knife again later this month. Since December, the Fermanagh cleric has been undergoing treatment on his right eye, in a bid to save and secure his sight. The Newtownbutler priest underwent surgery […]

Council to lead investigation into fatal dog poisoning

THE Council’s Animal Welfare department is set to lead an ‘investigation’ into the suspicious circumstances where a dog was killed in a fatal poisoning incident in Brookeborough. In last week’s issue, the Herald spoke to Fermanagh couple Ethen and Emma Armstrong who were left devastated after their much loved dog ‘Bono’ died after ingesting rat poison at […]

Sinn Féin’s Dolan backs Gildernew for EU seat

A FERMANAGH and South Tyrone MLA has backed Michelle Gildernew to ‘call out the EU when needed’ if she’s elected later this year. Last week it was confirmed that Ms Gildernew will contest the European Union in July in the Midlands/ North West constituency. It’ll bring the curtain down on her 20-odd year campaign as […]