
No stopping ‘Player of the Match’ Doonan

After plying her trade in the full-back line for Fermanagh this year, Joanne Doonan has certainly given Erne boss C.J McGourty something to think about after her performance at full forward for her club Kinawley, on Sunday.

The former AFLW player was in sensational form as she hit 3-3 to help Kinawley retain the Division One League Cup.

“It’s nice to be back in the forward line for a change this year,” laughed Doonan.


“It’s good to get the win today. It can’t go without saying how quickly the girls moved the ball, just the running patterns – everything. They make it easy for the person that’s going to finish the score but it was just an unreal performance by all the girls today.”

Kinawley got off to a rip-roaring start, opening a nine-point lead in the first 10 minutes, 2-3 to no score. The early goals were a real catalyst for the Kinawley win, admitted Doonan;

“It was definitely nice to get a couple of them goals early to give us that wee bit of composure; that wee bit of buffer. But, we knew it was never going to be over until the final whistle with Derrygonnelly, so it was just about keeping the head down and chipping away at scores and that’s what we did, thankfully.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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