FERMANAGH police have urged parents to take more responsibility for their children after seizing a substantial amount of alcohol from young people – some of whom even claimed their parents had bought the drink for them. On Saturday the PSNI’s Enniskillen Neighbourhood Team stopped a bus of local youths heading to a concert in Belfast […]
Underage drinking warning as police seize booze on bus
Police issue stark warning to parents about dangers of underage drinking
Teenagers as young as 13 ‘loaded up with drink’ on booze buses
THE scale of Fermanagh’s underage drinking culture was laid bare by local PSNI Inspector who stated that teenagers as young as 13 have been found ‘loaded up with drink’ on booze buses set for underage discos.
People as young as 11 consuming alcohol in Fermanagh
YOUNG people in Fermanagh between the ages of 11-16 are consuming alcohol illegally and action must be taken now before it is too late.