Get your jabs! Local pharmacies help with flu vaccine roll out

ANYONE who is eligible to get the flu vaccine is urged to take it up this year to help ease the pressure on the local health system. And with local pharmacies now giving out the jab, it’s easier than ever. With Covid still very much circulating in the community, and warnings over the dangers of […]

Flu vaccine

Struggle with vaccine supplies amid swine flu fears

AS THE flu season approaches concerns have been raised that those most susceptible to flu this year will be young people and pregnant women.  A recent meeting of the emergency department task force has highlighted that Swine Flu is likely to be a dominant strain.  According to the Public Health Agency the Swine Flu virus […]

Flu vaccine

No shortage of flu vaccine, patients told

THERE is no shortage of the flu vaccine this year, health officials have insisted, and anyone who needs to get it should contact their local surgery. There have been reports in recent days the vaccine was in short supply in the Fermanagh area. However, the Health and Social Care Board have said there is no […]