Opponents say it is the ‘wrong decision’
Derrylin delight at St Aidan’s reprieve
A seismic shift in the future of education in south and east Fermanagh has been announced this week – with St Aidan’s Derrylin’s future secured.
Man arrested after woman found dying is released on bail
Police investigations are continuing into the death of Olive O’Reilly who was found injured in her own home in Newtownbutler last week.
Boho mechanic blamed his tools for illegally modified car suspension
A 20-year-old Boho mechanic whose car was discovered twice by police without a working suspension, has been convicted at Enniskillen Magistrates Court.
Sudden death of young woman ‘with a smile for everybody’
A member of a well-known Enniskillen family, Maeve Sheridan (28), was found dead on Thursday of last week, 9th April.
SDLP veteran denies remarks were sexist
Former SDLP Councillor John O’Kane has denied that remarks he made at the final Fermanagh District Council meeting on Tuesday past, were sexist.
Plans to cut beds at hospital
It has been revealed that plans to cut beds at the South West Acute Hospital are being examined by the Western Trust,
Coyle defiant in face of barrage of criticism after live TVdebate
THE SDLP’s Westminster candidate, John Coyle has remained defiant despite what was roundly described as a poor performance during a live election TV debate
Lee leaves on his trip of a lifetime
Lee Martin is on cloud nine at finally setting off on his journey of a lifetime to America.