
Nathan Carter to release ‘all brand new music’

NATHAN Carter has said that working on his upcoming new album with famous music producer Guy Chambers is “very exciting” after he released his latest single to the delight of his many fans.

The Liverpudlian, who lives in Fermanagh, has been working with Guy Chambers, who wrote and produced music for pop icon Robbie Williams, and he’s preparing to launch his new album.

Prior to the album launch, Carter dropped another hit new single, titled ‘Cannibals’.

“It’s a cover I recorded the end of last year and just stuck it out in Ireland, to keep the radio waves ticking but I’m actually working on a brand new album at the minute,” he told ‘The Irish World’.

The Fermanagh singer has reiterated his intentions to release a much-anticipated new album.

“Guy’s co-written the album with me and he’s producing it so we’re hoping to get a single out this summer off that album and release the album towards the end of the year,” Carter explained.

“It’s a full original album, all brand new music so that’s very exciting. My own stuff is important to me so looking forward to seeing what people think of it.”

With the countdown on to his next release, the Liverpool singer is full of praise for the producer.

“I was a bit nervous at the start co-writing with someone who’s had so many big hits through the years but we get on really well and the album’s sounding great,” added Country star Carter.

“I’m absolutely delighted with the way it’s progressing so it’s exciting to be getting some brand new tracks out that I’ve co-written.”

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