
Can Kinawley make it a Super Sunday?

It could be a double celebration for Kinawley this weekend with two teams competing in league finals in Sunday’s doubleheader in Belcoo.

The Division Three Final sees Kinawley’s B team taking on Knockninny in the curtain raiser to the Division One Final at 2pm when the Boru’s and Derrygonnelly go head-to-head in a repeat of last year’s league and championship finals.

Kinawley will undoubtedly be favourites for the Division One honours given recent results between the teams but their manager, Barry McKenna, believes the gap has closed somewhat;


“We played them in the second last league game and there was only three points in it – it’s going to be a tight one. Derrygonnelly has definitely narrowed the gap on what there was between (the teams).

“It’s really going to be on the day, whoever performs the best. It’s anybody’s game and hopefully we can come out on the right side of it.”

Coming up against a team that holds a real ace in their hand is something that would worry any team and McKenna’s defence will be giving Eimear Smyth plenty of attention;

“Eimear Smyth is probably the best forward in Ireland at the minute at the end of the day. If you can control the ball going to her and stop her as best you can, you’re never going to keep a player like that scoreless, but if you can minimise her as best you can. She’s a class act.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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