
Tenor Andrew Irwin set for Enniskillen show

Andrew Irwin is returning to Fermanagh for an intimate performance.
The Fermanagh bred classical tenor is bringing a concert to Saddlers Bistro on 27 June, but this time, we can expect something different.
He is singing songs from the Great American Songbook, as made famous by Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole, and there will be a few jazzy surprises along the way.
Andrew will be joined by Joe Hill, one of the UK’s most in demand jazz pianists.
Joe has played gigs nationally and internationally with ensembles and artists such as Elliot Mason, Vincent Gardener, Lianne Carroll, Claire Teal and The BBC Singers.
Andrew, known for his work in classical music and musical theatre, has just come off the back of a busy season singing and looks forward to the home concert.
“Joe and I have wanted to do a concert together for a long time, we have careers based around quite different things for the time being,I am an opera singer and he’s a jazz pianist but we have said for years that we want to do a jazz concert together,” he said.
“I am really looking forward to it, its always a special bonus when I get to do a concert, singing at home is better than singing anywhere else so that’s really nice and the opportunity come few and far between so its always nice when I get one.
“I am looking forward to a slightly more intimate setting than the theatre and having a maximum of 100 people there to enjoy the evening and having a bit of a chat in a casual setting and singing some jazz standards”, Andrew added.
Tickets are available to buy at The Horseshoe and Saddlers for £25, and include a complimentary supper and glass of wine/soft drink.

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