
Teemore Cross speed limit to remain 40 mph

THERE will be no change to the speed limit at Teemore Cross, the Infrastructure Minister has confirmed.
Last month the local Council wrote to the Department of Infrastructure to express concern about safety on the road, requesting the Department examined ways to improve the crossing, and asking for a review of the speed limit at the location.
In response, Minister John O’Dowd said his Department gave “careful consideration” to the speed limits on approaches to towns and villages.
“The designation of speed limits is influenced by a range of factors to ensure that they are realistic, effective, and likely to be obeyed by a majority of motorists in the abscence of constant enforcement by the police,” he wrote, adding his team had assessed Teemore Crossing previously.
“A speed limit assessment was carried out on A509 Belturbet Road, Teemore in 2010 and a 40mph speed limit was deemed appropriated for the road,” Minister O’Dowd continued, in his letter of response to the Council.
“Since then, neither the extent of roadside development nor the Department’s policy on the setting of speed limits has changed.”
He added, “In response to the concerns raised in your letter officials have carried out a desktop assessment of the site and I can advise that a 40mph speed limit is still deemed to comply with current Department policy and there are no plans to reduce the existing limit.
“Should you have any further concerns about speeding at this location, please could I suggest that they are reported to the PSNI.”
Minister O’Dowd added that regarding improved crossing facilities at the site, he had instructed his officials to carry out an assessment and respond to the Council when the details were available

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