
McGourty’s Erne squad primed for Sligo showdown

CJ McGourty’s Fermanagh will belatedly commence their Junior Championship on Sunday against a Sligo side considered ‘favourites’ at Louis Leonard Memorial Park.

The Erne ladies’ intended opener against Derry was postponed after the tragic loss of four-year-old Fíanna Grace Harkin, who had close ties to Derry’s football community, on Saturday evening.

“It’s one of those circumstances that you wouldn’t wish on any family, any person. Our thoughts are with the young girl’s family and her friends as well. It puts football in perspective,” said McGourty, expressing the team’s condolences.


Now, turning their focus onto Sligo’s visit, McGourty emphasises the significance of the challenge in front of his team.

“It’s not ideal preparations, it means we haven’t played in sort of four weeks now, so match sharpness might be an issue. Sligo are a division three outfit, we’re division four, so we know it’s an uphill task. It’s probably our toughest game of the season so far.

“We’ll need to be all hands-on deck this week to make sure we’re prepared as best we can. On Sunday, there’s 60 minutes of football to be played and we’ll try to be as good as we can be in that 60 minutes and see where it takes us.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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