
Experienced Duffy focused on a good start this Sunday

The last time Fermanagh won the Lory Meagher Cup, it was Lisbellaw man John Duffy who raised the trophy aloft. The memories of that day are ‘special’ said the 32-year-old;

“It’s a very special thing. Stepping up them steps and lifting the trophy.

“It’s a very special day and a very special event. It will always be a memory of mine and a fond memory of Fermanagh hurling.”


Duffy and his teammates are one game away from repeating the achievement of three years ago but the experienced Duffy knows it won’t be easy, as was shown less than a fortnight ago when Fermanagh clawed their way back to earn a draw in the 5th round game with Longford;

“It’s a big task ahead, Longford is a very good side,” said Duffy.

“We have never got anything easy of a Longford side. They’re well set-up and to be honest, we were very lucky to get a result the last day, I would say.

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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