
‘Carlow will throw everything at us’ – Jones

Twenty-three-year old Callum Jones made his first start for Fermanagh on Saturday and put in a ‘Man of the Match’ performance in what was a brilliant display by the Enniskillen Gaels’ attacker.

Jones chipped in with a point on 30 minutes but it was his contribution to two of Fermanagh’s goals that helped pave the way for victory against Wicklow.

Jones takes it all in his stride though and is relieved to have finally got a chance to show the manager what he can do,
“(I’m) Really pleased first and foremost with the victory. I thought it was a really good performance and to be fair we probably left a few goals behind us as well, especially in the first half.


“We played against the wind in the first half and really finished the half strongly with a number of scores. At the break we felt we were going well but the four-point lead, (we) just felt it wasn’t big enough for what we’d done. Thankfully, we started the second half well and really pushed on for the victory.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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