
People of Roslea ‘feel abandoned’ without GP service

The residents of Roslea and surrounding areas feel abandoned due to a lack of access to medical care and services, says local activist John McCluskey.
The Independent councillor who has been spearheading the fight for GP services to return to the area claims “proper medical care must not be left solely in the hands of the Western Trust.”
Since the surgery closed back in 2017, any promises made to supply the area with vital health care services have fallen short, with patients still being forced to make the 35 mile round trip to other areas like Lisnaskea just to see a GP.
Western Trust chiefs previously considered a possible mobile GP surgery for a few days a week to facilitate older people in Roslea, with John McCluskey calling on the Trust to follow through on the proposed plans and to “not let the people of Roslea down.”
Despite this, chief executive of the Western Trust, Anne Kilgallen, stated at a council meeting last month that her new consultation process would not be visiting the Roslea area again.
“There is nothing for Roslea, in fact when I asked Anne Kilgallen if she would even consider a qualified nurse to come to the area for a few days a week I was told that would not happen either,” explains the concerned councillor.
“There are elderly people struggling along on aluminium frames throughout the town. These people cannot make their way to Lisnaskea, it’s abusive and absolutely wrong,” he said.
John McCluskey urges the ordinary people of Roslea and Fermanagh to bring issues such as the closing of local GP services to the attention of politicians who are looking for votes in the up coming elections.
The demand for a full time GP surgery in Roslea will continue claims Cllr McCluskey,
“I encourage everyone in the Roslea area to make a pledge and raise the issue of no medical facilities in Roslea at every opportunity.”

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