
Police getting to grips with crime

ON PATROL...Crime figures are down

ON PATROL…Crime figures are down

CRIME IN FERMANAGH is down by 9% falling by 288 incidents over the past year.

The figures in the county reflect the trend across Northern Ireland, with overall crime figures at a 15 year low.


Overall crime in Fermanagh dropped by 9.1%, falling from 3,182 offences in 2011/12 to 2,894 offences in 2012/13.  The detection (clearance) rate in F District, which covers Fermanagh and much of Tyrone, has increased by 2.4% to 32%, while an additional 593 cases were dealt with by discretionary disposal.

The number of crimes recorded in 2012/13 is the lowest annual level of crime recorded by PSNI since the new Home Office counting rules were introduced in 1998/99 and is the fourth consecutive year that a decrease in crime has been recorded.

Inspector Roy Robinson said it was pleasing to see the figures are declining and credited the use of CCTV and police presence on the streets in helping decrease the number of incidents.

“Certainly the aid of CCTV and police on the street at the appropriate times when potential incidents can emerge has helped. We are also working with the licensees and licensed premises, with some of these having a radio link installed, which can pull the CCTV camera over the pub when there’s any trouble.

“It’s about getting there early and identifying the potential. I have to credit the licensed premises who are working very hard.”

Due to the fact that many after a night out in Enniskillen will congregate in the Diamond area the role of officers in facilitating people in getting taxis is another vital contributing factor to the statistics according to Insp Robinson.

Additionally pro-active officers have recently been able to identify and arrest two individuals involved in anti-social behaviour and criminal damage in the area of Enniskillen Bus Centre.


This had been going on for a considerable period of time, but through the good work of police the Inspector is happy to report the offending duo have been apprehended.

District Commander, Chief Superintendent Pauline Shields welcomed the statistics and paid tribute to the dedication of police officers and staff in F District who are working with communities to reduce crime in their area.

She said: “I welcome the news that crime has fallen across all areas within F District. It shows that the Police Service, working with partner agencies and the community, is committed to making F District safer for everyone.

“While statistics are an important indicator of how police are tackling crime we firmly believe that the quality of service we provide to victims and the public’s  sense of feeling safe in their communities is at the heart of how we measure our success as a
police service.

“ I am encouraged that, not only are we seeing a falling number of complaints made against officers but also growing levels of confidence in police.”

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