Roaring success for young Fermanagh performers

TICKETS went like ‘greased lightning’ for the Fermanagh School of Music and Performing Arts’ rendition of Grease Young@Part. The four shows took place daily from the 17th to the 20th of July at the Ardhowen Theatre and audiences enjoyed a heart-warming performance with laughter and several musical numbers. Set in the 1950’s, the show follows the story […]

It’s music all the way at Ardhowen

The highly regarded but very humble Irish singing artist Jimmy Buckley returns on Thursday 27th, the legendary Harlem Gospel Choir perform contemporary gospel with a touch of jazz and blues on Friday 28th November and ‘Grease’ is the word for Enniskillen Light Operatic’s annual musical, opening on Thursday 4th December.

Go Greased Lightning!

T’S time to dust of the leather jackets – and put on your dancing shoes, because ‘Grease’ is coming to the Ardhowen Theare.