‘Housing crisis’ in Fermanagh – more houses need built

A LOCAL Councillor has demanded that houses are built in Fermanagh as there is a ‘housing crisis’ and rural communities are going to suffer. The Housing Executive has confirmed it has commenced the 2020/2021 Rural Housing Need Testing programme which will examine the need for social housing in three villages in Fermanagh – Donagh, Newtownbutler […]

20 mph speed limits for outside primary schools

FOUR schools in Fermanagh are to have part-time 20mph speed limits installed. The local schools feature on a new list of 100 schools across the North to be included in the scheme.  While the introduction of this safety measure at St Aidan’s High School, Derrylin, St Mary’s Primary School Bellanaleck, St Mary’s Primary School Maguiresbridge […]

‘New homes for Donagh needed’

FERMANAGH people have been asked ‘would you like to live in Donagh?’ as the need for social and affordable housing in the area is now being investigated.  Those who are interested have been asked to register their interest by contacting the Housing Executive which the organisation says will assist in assessing the level of housing […]

Donagh rallies round Helen to go the extra mile

LOCAL super-mum Helen Davis has certainly went the ‘extra mile’ this lockdown, with help from her former GAA club St Patrick’s, Donagh, together their efforts raised over £4,000 for mental health charity ‘Pieta House’ through the ‘Run4Pieta’ twenty-four hour challenge. Speaking to the Herald on her recent achievement, Helen said, “I would have always done […]

Locals show support as missing father is laid to rest

AN 18-year-long mystery came to an end on Friday, as the remains of missing man and father-of-four Tony Lynch were finally returned back to his family home in Magheraveely after years of unanswered questions surrounding his disappearance. Speaking to the Herald, Peter Lynch who became the spearhead of his late father’s missing campaign said; “As […]

New housing plans for Donagh welcomed as demand on rise

DONAGH could be in line for a boost to its residential housing, that is if planners give the go ahead for 10 new houses.  A planning application has been submitted for the development of new houses on the Moorlough Road close to the village. The applicant, Newpark Homes Ltd propose the development of a mix […]

Bus shelter artists brightening up those early mornings

A SELECTION of works of art have been displayed on bus shelters across rural communities within Sliagh Beagh, as part of a new initiative to “enrich the lives of rural communities.”  Over the course of the year, workshops will take place across the county to bring more visual arts to remote areas. The Sliabh Beagh […]

Sheamus Greene

Social media solves mystery of Donagh’s missing defib

THERE was relief in Donagh last week after the power of social media helped secure the safe and speedy return of the village’s defibrillator.  The live-saving piece of equipment, which is located at the Millennium Hall, had been reported missing last week.  However, within hours of Facebook appeals by both the Donagh Development Information page […]

GAA clubs are gearing up for the big switch-on!

GAA clubs across the county are taking part in an ‘Ireland Lights Up’ initiative. The aim is to bring communities together to enjoy walking in safety under the bright lights of local GAA clubs. The Lights Up initiative encourages locals to get out and exercise during the darker nights. Participating clubs will switch their floodlights […]