No stand-out reason to visit Fermanagh, says tourism boss

FERMANAGH’S big tourist attractions aren’t pulling in the tourists the way they ought to. And it seems that keen deals being offered by local hotels are the main reasons why visitors come to Fermanagh – not the landmark attractions like the lakes and the Marble Arch caves.

Lee’s American dream trip

INSPIRATIONAL Lee Martin has arrived home after his trip of a lifetime to America. Lee, one of just 67 people in the world with a rare chromosome disorder known as Diploid-triploid mosaicism, travelled  to Houston Texas two weeks ago to meet others with the condition and take part in a special conference. There he met […]

Extra hours for new Kinawley Post Office

AN EXTRA 28 hours per week – including Sundays – will greet users of the new Kinawley post office when it opens in June. Moving from its present location at Main Street Kinawley, the post office terminal will sit alongside the tills at Curry’s shop, just a few metres up from its present location. The […]

Giving the gift of life

ONE organ donor can save as many as seven lives and local people are being encouraged to say yes to donation. In recent months the issue of organ donation has come to the fore, with a number of local families taking the decision to donate their loved one’s organs – often in very tragic circumstances. […]