
Fermanagh housing developers could pay water costs

A LOCAL councillor has welcomed new proposals being considered by the infrastructure minister that could see housing developers paying to upgrade water treatment works as a way to tackle the current housebuilding crisis.

Minister for Infrastructure John O’Dowd said that officials were examining whether new legislation would be needed to allow developer contributions.

Housebuilding in the north fell to a 60-year low last year, partially due to restrictions on new connections to an underfunded water system.


Plans for an estimated 19,000 homes are being held up due to the restrictions.

Fermanagh and Omagh District Councillor Roy Crawford was encouraged by the news and recognised “the vital need for more housing especially in and around the Enniskillen area”.

“I’m not surprised that the minister is exploring the option of extending the burden onto developers, but it’s a stark recognition that our water and sewage infrastructure has been chronically underfunded for years,” Mr Crawford said.

“Successive infrastructure ministers and department officials haven’t demonstrated any clear-cut solutions to deal with this issue that has been plaguing the planning system for years. NI Water needs to be put on a sound financial footing where it can invest in our infrastructure and not allow it to fall into disrepair.

“Putting the financial burden onto housing developers will only lead to one of two things; higher property prices or no homes built at all. Neither one of those options is desirable for anyone.”

Mr O’Dowd said he had the support of executive colleagues in the belief that NI Water needs further investment.

“I am looking at developer contributions to see if we have to change legislation to allow developers to be able to contribute to the upgrade of wastewater treatment works,” he said.


“I’m also introducing new legislation in relation to sustainable drainage, which is storing stormwater and allow it to release slower so that it doesn’t overpower wastewater works.

“Even if NI Water was fully funded at this stage, we could only supply 4,500 new properties on to the system. There are currently possible solutions for another 18,000 properties.

“That means NI Water and developers working together to find localised solutions.”

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