
Fermanagh celebrates Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster

RECENTLY a Mass was held in St. Nailes Church, Kinawley, to celebrate the ordination of Bishop James Curry as Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.

The Mass was concelebrated by Fr Maurice McMorrow, parish priest of Kinawley, and Fr Gerry Comiskey, Parish Priest of Drumlane, along with Monsignor Martin Hayes Vicar General of the Diocese of Westminster, a good friend of Bishop James. Also in attendance were members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Lieutenancy of Ireland) of which Bishop James is an active member.

In his Homily, the congregation heard from Bishop James of his early childhood when he and his sister along with their parents visited Kinawley on holidays and of the many fond memories he had of the people he met. In particular, the local characters of the area and the personal experiences that helped to mould him.


He reminisced how in the past people had to leave the area through economic necessity and still too many have to follow the same path and said “now there is better access to education, improved healthcare and power sharing, however imperfect.”

He thanked the people of Kinawley for nurturing the Christian faith in him, and expressed his gratitude for the lessons in civility, and cited the example of care he witnessed given to neighbours and individuals in need.

He described how having a care for the dignity of those who are vulnerable or alone, he was always struck that despite the visible divisions, there were friendships and it was possible and is possible to be good neighbours. He said, “we can live with diversity and live faithful lives seeing every human person as a child of God, some mother’s son or daughter.”

He commented on how it is with special joy to see friends from other Christian communities and Churches which we have so much in common, so much to learn from each other and so much to offer the world.

Bishop James expressed his gratitude to Kinawley and Fermanagh, its people, landscape, the water and the light which leaves an imprint and concluded by saying, “Not made in Fermanagh, but inspired by Fermanagh.”

Fr Maurice and members of the Parish Committee then presented Bishop James with a special gift to mark the enjoyable occasion and he thanked all those present for their participation.

Following the Mass, a Reception was held in Kinawley Community Centre where family, friends and neighbours were able to meet with the Bishop and pass on to him their best wishes.


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