
Enniskillen Food Bank reports rise in demand

OVER 450 people from across Fermanagh have availed of support from the Enniskillen Food Bank over the past two months.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic and the crippling costs of food and essential items, a number of Fermanagh residents have been forced to reach out to the Enniskillen Food Bank for help.

John Shades, manager at the Enniskillen Food Bank, has said it’s been a ‘hectic’ few weeks as the Cross Street-based business aims to help the Fermanagh community.


“Even though we’re significantly quieter than we were from last November to March, we’ve fed over 450 people from April 1 to now,” Mr Shades told the Herald.

Fermanagh households recently welcomed reports from the UK Government that inflation is decreasing.

That will inevitably mean a reduction in food prices, in good news for residents across the North.

“The price of everything has gone up and it’s no wonder than people are feeling the pinch and coming to use,” said the Enniskillen Food Bank manager.

“We have never had to turn anyone away yet, but trying to keep up with the demands over the winter months, it was difficult.”

Right across the North, households have struggled to cope with the soaring costs of essential items.

The Enniskillen Food Bank has noticed a significant rise in demand from people aged between 30 and 50.


“We get younger people coming after they’ve been referred to us from agencies. They’ll later come on their own,” said Mr Shades.

“It’s good to see that they feel comfortable enough to come in and see us. We are not there to judge anybody.

“From personal experience, I know that it is like to find things really difficult. I felt it was important to set up the food bank in Enniskillen to help others,” he added.

The Enniskillen Food Bank relies solely on donations from the local public. The manager is delighted with the overwhelming support from the Fermanagh community.

“I think we should gauge the success of the food bank on the people who have initially came here for help and then started to donate to help others,” said Mr Shades.

“It burns out of people’s appreciation and they experience the compassion and they want to pass on that compassion to other people.

“It’s one of the things that makes what we do so pleasing,” he added.

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link… Subscribe to current edition

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