
Erne boss CJ CMcGourty ‘devastated’ for his players

FERMANAGH ladies manager CJ McGourty described Sunday’s defeat as “heartbreaking stuff”, as the Erne ladies missed out a Division Four Final place.

“The girls have put in a lot of effort over the last couple of months, I’m devastated for them more than anything.”

The Erne ladies led throughout only to be caught by a goal with the last kick of the game.


“We dominated the game for long periods of time but a long ball in and a wee bit of luck at the end, it happens in football.

“We just have to get up and get on with it for the rest of the season,” said the Antrim man.

McGourty agreed that his side should have been more comfortably ahead going into the closing stages given all the possession and chances they had;

“There was 20 minutes or so there in the second half, we had a number of scoring opportunities and didn’t take them”.

Reflecting on the two disastrous goal concessions he admitted;

“We made mistakes, made handling errors, going forward and defensively – basic mistakes, but look, it’s up to us as a management team to address them with the players, the players know themselves,” he acknowledged.

Bidding to put the result in perspective, he said;


“We want to feel downhearted at this moment in time, it’s very difficult, our main objective was to get out of the division this year, we did everything bar those last few seconds to get out of it.

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