
Boho publican living the ‘American Dream’

AN Irish pub in Austin, which is owned by James Kelly from Boho, has been named as the biggest seller of Guinness in the state of Texas.

After graduating as a Construction Management Consultant, the Fermanagh man moved to the United States of America, in 2013. After stints in Boston and New York, he settled down in Texas.

In January, entrepreneur James opened his own self-run public house, ‘Kelly’s Irish Pub’. Since then, the establishment has become very popular with the Irish ex-pats living in the States.


“We have been quite lucky, the bar has gained traction since day one. The neighbourhood are thankful for the place opening. It is a proper neighbourhood bar, a lot of returning customers,” he explained.

The pub offers a complete experience for visitors, including live music, weekly bingo, freshly cooked food and a range of alcohol, including the renowned Guinness.

The business owner is pleased with how ‘Kelly’s Irish Pub’ is going and he is delighted with how the locals in Austin are supporting his pub.

“We have a brilliant chef now and he takes delight in Irish cuisine and comfort food so all these things have really helped the bar,” said James, who is a father-of-two.

“We are becoming known for the best fish and chips in town.

“We are only open for seven months and we are the best-selling Guinness bar in the state of Texas for the last six months, so I guess that’s a good enough sign. There’s a thirst there,” he added.

After his bar was named as the biggest Guinness seller in Texas, James is optimistic for the future of his business and he’s looking forward for what is to come.


“What we are trying to do is create a traditional, authentic Irish pub, where it is the centre of the community, and thank God we are achieving that,” said the Fermanagh man.

“We have a lot of returning customers, and I know the kids love it.

“You see quite regularly Irish kids just off their flight, bags, suitcases, bags, and all with them, and I hope they feel this is a home away from home for them.

“It is a traditional Irish pub, friendly and welcoming to all, but you love to see your own Irish there,” added the Boho entrepreneur.

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