
‘Big Fellow’ inspires Seana’s voyage in the Irish Navy

AFTER 22 weeks of gruelling training, early mornings, sleepless nights and exhaustive training sessions, Seana O’Connor from Enniskillen has officially graduated as an Irish Naval Officer.
The 26-year-old Enniskillen native, grand-daughter of former civil rights activist Bernie O’Connor, has always had a passion to be involved with the Irish Defence Forces from as long as she remembers.
“I remember years ago saying that I wanted to be in the Irish Army or the Irish Navy and then as I got older I pushed it to the back of my mind. When nanny Patricia [O’Connor] passed away, I found out what incredible work she had done in her time on Earth and I knew I wanted to do good for people and have my part to play on protecting Ireland so I thought, sure what’s the worst that can happen, and I applied.”
While Seana’s grandfather Bernie is highly regarded across Fermanagh for his civil rights activism work, unbeknownst to many, Seana’s great grandfather, Richard Crosbie, was a bodyguard for Irish revolutionary Michael ‘Big Fellow’ Collins, pictured right.
That link in itself inspired Seana into a career with the Irish Defence Forces.
“I could not believe it when I found out,” she said.
“It’s an absolute honour to have that incredible history in my bloodline and I know that nanny would be very proud of where I am standing today.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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