Diversions are in place via Fivemiletown and Tempo.
Community ‘steps out’ for St Mary’s Primary School
HUNDREDS took to the streets of Fivemiletown over the weekend in a show of support for St Mary’s Primary School in Fivemiletown. Parents, pupils, politicians, clergy and many members of the wider community made up the 500-strong crowd that “stepped out” on Saturday morning and walked from St Mary’s Church to the much-loved school, which has been slated for closure […]
WATCH: Huge crowd takes to the streets for St Mary’s
A huge crowd took to the streets of Fivemiletown this morning calling for the school to remain open.
Community urged to ‘step out for St Mary’s’
The aim of the walk is to raise awareness of the campaign to save the school, and to send a message small schools are vital to rural communities.
Enrolment surges at school threatened with closure
A LOCAL school that is being threatened with closure saw its enrolment surge by more than 30 percent last year – higher than any other school of its kind in the North. Last week local church and political leaders hit out at the Council for the Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) for refusing to withdraw its […]
Community leaders hit out at school closure plan
Church and political leaders have noted the school is growing and an asset to the community.
Community support can still help save St Mary’s Primary
THE support of the local community can keep St Mary’s Primary School in Fivemiletown going, campaigners maintain. Plans for the school’s closure came to light after it was revealed by the Education Authority (EA) that it had received a request from the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) to “discontinue” the school with effect from August […]
Farrell stood down by Munster over French court case
IRELAND rugby union international Chris Farrell from Fivemiletown has been stood down with immediate effect by Munster amid a legal case in France. The Bordeaux Court of Appeal in France confirmed last week the centre, who has made 15 appearances for Ireland, had been charged with the alleged non-prevention of crime in the Grenoble rugby club rape […]
Community mourns passing of ‘character’ Willie Lyons
“Willie was an absolute character. He had a real devilish sense of humour.”
Booster jab no shows putting pressure on services
“We want to see an end to this, and obviously the booster will aid that.”