
Stay safe online this festive season

WITH the circuit breaker lockdown in force this week , many of us will be turning online for much of our seasonal shopping. Whether you’re still staying local with your virtual shop or using international sites, or even enjoying some festive gaming, it is paramount to make sure you and your family stay safe online […]

Local crime rate on the rise

CRIME is up in Fermanagh, with over 150 extra incidents reported in the local area so far this year, but police have assured the local public the county remains one of the safest in the North.  Last month the Council wrote to the PSNI regarding the alleged attempted shooting of an off duty police office […]


Daughter fears for dad’s (85) health after burglary

FOLLOWING the horrific burglary of an 85-year-old pensioner’s home in Lisnaskea, his daughter Alva Hunter, who lives in Australia, has spoken out against the perpetrators who attacked the family home when her elderly father was out for the evening.  Speaking to the Herald she said, “Obviously this has been such a traumatic event for my […]