
Support for health staff in light of racist disorder

Fermanagh health workers, and health service staff across the North, who have come here to work from other countries have been reminded how welcome and valued they are. The message from health chiefs comes following the ongoing racist disorder in Belfast and Great Britain.

This afternoon Chief Nursing Officer, Maria McIlgorm, and Chief Medical Officer, Prof Michael McBride, issued a joint statement stating the North’s healthcare system will always be “a place of welcome and support for all, regardless of culture, ethnicity or background,” adding they were “disgusted by the despicable and violent scenes of recent days.”

“We are angered that this behaviour has left some of our staff feeling anxious, frightened, and unwelcome,” they said in their statement. “We want to reassure those staff that this behaviour is not representative of Northern Ireland, nor the people who live here.


“The diversity within our committed and dedicated HSC and independent sector workforce should be embraced and celebrated. Much has been said about the hugely valuable contribution that our internationally educated and recruited colleagues and friends make to our health service, and that point cannot be overstated.

“They come together day in and day out to provide kind and compassionate care to our sick and most vulnerable – irrespective of background – providing vital support to our health and social care system. Indeed, that contribution stands in stark contrast to the behaviour of those behind this violence.

“We are the richer for our diverse and multicultural workforce, not only professionally, but within our communities right across Northern Ireland. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and to live in a safe environment free from harm and intimidation.

“We therefore condemn and stand against this deplorable racist behaviour and express our full support to all HSC staff.

“To those staff feeling vulnerable at this time, assistance is available from HSC employers. Northern Ireland has a proud reputation of providing excellent pastoral care for our international recruits, so please reach out for help if you need it.”

The statement from the chief nursing and medical officers follows Health Minister Mike Nesbitt’s statement yesterday, which offered support to our health workers.

“We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated health and social care workforce here,” he said. “They truly are the backbone of the NHS, but I am both saddened and appalled that we have staff who are feeling vulnerable and unwelcome at this time.


“Let me be very clear, you are welcome and deeply valued. We recognise and appreciate the role you play in our communities and are grateful for the vital contribution you make to patients and society every day.

“We must all stand together to reject the reprehensible behaviour and violence we have seen in recent days – there can be no justification for racism or xenophobia.

“I am very proud of the diversity within our health service and want all staff to know that you have my full support.”

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