
Chef Neven Maguire is cooking up a storm

Blacklion chef Neven Maguire recently entertained large crowds and showcased his top culinary skills at one of Ireland’s largest music festivals which attracted thousands of people to Donegal.

Neven Maguire, who owns and runs the award-winning and highly rated MacNean House & Restaurant, was one of the star attractions at the hugely popular and recent Clonmany Festival.

It has been a busy time for the popular chef who recently confirmed that he’s completed work on his new cookbook ‘Eating Out at Home’, which is set to go down a treat with his large following and fans.

The Blacklion chef has also recently committed to supporting a leading Fermanagh charity by auctioning off some of his plates and dishes, which he’s had in his restaurant and home for decades.

“We decided to give them [St Vincent de Paul] the proceeds of the sale as they are a fantastic charity and do such great work in the locality,” he told the Irish Independent.

“I’ve had the people ask me in the past if I would sell the dishes, but I always said no because although they may just be dishes, they mean a lot to me,” Mr Maguire said.

“They all tell a story and represent different times in my life and have been used both in the restaurant and in my cookbooks, always enhancing the food and making it look better on the plate.

“Some of them were bought when my mum and dad were alive and others I got when I represented Ireland in France [at the Bocuse d’Or World Cuisine in 2001] and some of them are handmade.”

The award-winning chef confirmed that some of the dishes range from between €50 and €60. He’s hoping that the money raised will help St Vincent de Paul with their local work.

“We won’t be charging people that amount but we won’t be giving them away either, as we want to make sure that both the buyer and the charity get a good deal from the sale,” said the award-winning chef.

“I’m delighted that we will get the chance to make some money for a brilliant charity and although it is hard to say goodbye to my local collection of plates, I hope others will get to enjoy them as much as I have.”

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