
Seán Quinn backs bid for Slieve Russell Hotel

IT’S understood that Fermanagh business tycoon Seán Quinn has thrown his support behind Ballyhaise-man Seán Gallagher as he bids to buy the Slieve Russell Hotel.

A former panellist on ‘Dragons’ Den’, Mr Gallagher has been heavily linked to the hotel which recently went on the market for a staggering €35 million.

‘The Anglo Celt’ has revealed that Mr Quinn has helped secure a number of investors to support Mr Gallagher’s bid for the award-winning Slieve Russell Hotel.


“I would like to thank Sean [Gallagher] and all those who helped financially or in any other way,” Mr Quinn said in a statement to the ‘Anglo Celt’.

“A particular word of thanks to the tens of thousands who feel that the hotel should have gone back to where it belongs.”

A number of high-profile individuals have been linked to the Slieve Russell Hotel, including former UFC champion, Conor McGregor.

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