
Mining plans blasted by Fermanagh residents

NEWS that tests carried out by a major mining company prospecting in Fermanagh confirmed there is a likely high concentration of precious metals in the county has not been received well locally.

Karelian Diamond Resources PLC announced that an assessment prepared by independent geological consultant, Dr Larry Hulbert, showed that there is a strong likelihood of finding nickel, copper and platinum-group elements here in the county.

Karelian has been exploring within the county for several years after previously being granted a license to prospect in the Coonian and Brookeborough areas.


Late last year the company announced it had begun a full exploration programme in the county after its sampling – which had initially been searching for diamonds – indicated the presence of nickel-copper-platinum mineralisation.

The new independent report has now revealed that the potential amount of precious metals locally is similar to those lucrative deposits found in Norilsk in the Russian Arctic and the Baraga Basin in Michigan, the US.

Local reaction to the news was predominantly negative, however, with many Herald readers voicing their concerns about the mining revelations.

“Won’t be happening! The people of Fermanagh will not allow for their communities to be poisoned and destroyed, so as vultures can make huge profits. NO TOXIC MINING IN FERMANAGH!” a local group wrote.

Another person said: “There is also a High Content of Precious People, in Fermanagh. One third of the county is water and mining waste will end up in our water supply.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link… Subscribe to current edition

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