
Sweet Sigerson success

Usually, this award goes to one person but on this occasion, there’s no separating Josh Largo Elis and Ronan McCaffrey.

The two Fermanagh players were part of the University of Ulster Jordanstown’s (UUJ) Sigerson Cup winning team in February when they won the first championship title for the university since 2008.

Largo Elis and McCaffrey were linchpins of Barry Dillon’s side as they beat a fancied UCD side 3-12 to 0-15 at Austin Stack Park in Tralee.


The two players’ journey has run parallel for many years now. They were both part of the St Michael’s MacRory and Hogan Cup winning side in 2019, and played underage with Fermanagh before moving into the senior setup.

Now, both of them have achieved the highest accolade at college football together by winning the prestigious Sigerson Cup and a month later were named on the 2024 GAA Higher Education Team of the Year, mixing it with the best in the country at this level.

McCaffrey, who has just completed the second year of his accountancy degree, said being named amongst the best 15 was a surprise.

“I wasn’t expecting it because I didn’t know what position I was going to get it for, I was playing that many! But, it’s nice and with Josh getting one there too, it’s nice.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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