MUSIC is playing a big part in people’s lives as they struggle after lockdown. Enniskillen entertainers Ally Harron and Marian Curry have witnessed it first hand as they too struggle to come to terms with the normal and entertainment.
Ally points out, “My last real gig was in America on March 14 and nothing has happened since. So not that long ago we turned to a new form of entertainment and we’ve had a really big response.”
“We have had a great reaction on Facebook at our monthly gig called ‘The Country Kitchen’.
Ally and Marian perform from their own kitchen for an hour or so singing their usual programme of Country and Irish songs and it’s building up a huge audience from Fermanagh, to the south of Ireland, England, New York, Florida and even Thailand.
Ally explained, “As well as the singing we like to chat to the audience following us. It’s great for them and makes it more like a live gig for us. It really seems to be working. It gives everyone a boost in these difficult times.”
“We noticed that the requests are coming in flying and we love to play what people want to hear.
“People are crying out for that sort of thing after such a long time in lockdown.”
But in performing from his kitchen Ally isn’t able to use the equipment he would have on stage, but it doesn’t really matter, the enjoyment is there for everybody.
“We have it set up in the kitchen and we call the show, ‘The Country Kitchen’.
“We’re doing it from the kitchen because we haven’t got the space anywhere else. I personally think people are mad for it. The just love to hear the sound of music. Our fans even in American can relate to the songs.”
Marian sings a lot of the Irish songs, but Ally sings the older Country stuff, sticking mostly to Haggart and Jones songs. But he says he’ll sing anything if it give people a release and enjoyment. “We look forward to doing it every few weeks. But it’s difficult coming from the fast lane to nothing. It’s a big shock and the government doesn’t really recognise the entertainer much. But they play a big role in homes and can see they are over the moon with us
“People are looking for that sort of thing now. They definitely need it,” he said.
You can see the live show on Facebook on Thursday evening at 8pm this week.