Sharon knows fashion…
There’s a whole lot of love going on here in Fermanagh. From the moment the Christmas cards were taken down from the shelves out came the Valentine cards, chocolates and lots of red and hearts.
I have always found Valentine’s Day to be very commercialised and unnecessary but that’s probably because I always hated it at school due to the fact that I was always single during Valentine’s Day in my late teens.
Although I feel it is very commercialised it is still nice to get something, no matter how small, from the person you love, even if it’s just being treated to a nice meal a break from cooking is a nice change.
For the guys who like to make an effort on Valentine’s Day it is difficult to know what to get their special someone. Clothes can be difficult to decide on particularly if you don’t know the correct size to get or even know what style to choose. If you are in the early stages of a relationship and want to make an effort but are afraid of getting something inappropriate or wrong why not stick to something simple like a romantic meal, flowers and a teddy or chocolates and a candle. Leave the more complicated stuff until you know each other a little better.
If you are struggling for ideas and would rather get something a little quirky rather that going for a meal, getting chocolates or cuddly toys a nice piece of jewellery is always a good start. Statement jewellery is very big at the moment however sometimes too much bling can be taking it a little far. It’s best to stick to what you know she already likes or similar items to what she already has.
If you think you know your girl well enough to get her some clothes why not go for something simple like a shirt, jumper or t-shirt. Shirts are a particular favourite of mine and are so versatile as they can be worn layered under a jumper or cardigan for a casual look or tucked into a pencil skirt for a dressier look. There are loads of really cool print shirts on the high street at the moment, why not go for a heart print to show your love.
Perhaps if you feel it’s safer to stay away from the wardrobe why not go for a quirky gift like a mug, heart bunting or some cool cushions. You can pick up some lovely bits and pieces on the high street or for something a little more unique Fermanagh has lots of crafters who make one of a kind items, which can even be tailor made for your Valentine. Keep an eye out for local crafters fairs where you can buy everything from luxurious homemade chocolates to, handmade candles, bags, jewellery and accessories.