Experiencing yoga inside the Marble Arch Caves

THE downward dog is extraordinary when it is performed in the oldest yoga studio in the world. I had the opportunity to take part in a physical, mental, and spiritual practice hidden beneath the mountains and woodlands of west Fermanagh in a magical world of caverns, sinkholes and underground rivers. The Marble Arch Caves let people explore these areas whilst […]

New community hub planned for Blacklion

PLANS for a new public amenity and community building in Blacklion have been given the green light. The redevelopment of Fairgreen in the border village has been given planning approval by Cavan County Council. The project also includes the replacement of Mooney’s Hall as a community building. The redevelopment will include outdoor seating, car parking […]

Cross-border support for A4 road upgrade

A LEITRIM County Councillor is pushing to reform an inter-county lobby group to help upgrade the A4 from Belcoo to Enniskillen. Fine Gael Councillor for Manorhamilton, Seán McDermott, is putting a motion to Leitrim County Council to bring back the ‘N16/A4 Cross-County Lobby Group’, which includes Fermanagh, Cavan, Leitrim and Sligo. It was first set up in […]

Claire embarks on new job in Belcoo shop!

AS the saying goes, there is always life without limits and you should never let the things that you can’t do, stop you from doing the things that you can do. For Blacklion native, Claire, there is no truer statement. Clarie, a student on the ‘Access’ programme at the National Learning Network, Manorhamilton, has secured […]

Neven’s causing a stir in the kitchen

 LOCAL chef Neven Maguire has been whipping up some tasty dishes during lockdown. Each day the Blacklion chef shares a different recipe via his social media page, this includes a video tutorial of how to make the dish. At a time when many of us are missing restaurant food this is a fool proof way […]