
Fermanagh and Omagh Council reduces electricity costs

THE cost of electricity and heating at premises operated by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council fell by £1.1 million in the year to March 31st, 2024, according to the latest figures released by the local government organisation.

Statistics produced as part of the Council’s management accounts show that the costs incurred in electricity were estimated to be £1.08 million, but there was a saving of £831,000. In addition, heating costs which were estimated at £618,000 came in at £433,000, a reduction of £184,000.

The draft financial position of the Council – which was produced by the Director of Corporate Services and Governance and presented at a meeting of its Policy and Resources committee this week – showed that the financial position for the period to March 31 showed an overall surplus of £163, 634. This will increase the Council’s General Fund balance to £4.4 million.


There were other positives, too, according to the report.

An increase in budgeted income of £1.58 million came from areas including leisure centres, tourist facilities and theatres, off-street carparking, recycling income and additional central govcernment support.

In addition, there was an overall net saving of £1.1 million, which the Council has attributed primarily to a reduction in staff costs.

The draft financial position includes what’s described as ‘exceptional income’ of £3.17 million. This was due to the Council following its claim against Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for overpaid VAT in relation to the provision of leisure services.

It is expected that the accounts for the year ending March 31st last will now be signed and dated by the Council’s chief financial officer and submitted to the Department for Communities and the Northern Ireland Audit Office by June 30 next.

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