
Erne ladies fired up for championship opener

With the taste of Ulster Junior success still fresh, the Fermanagh ladies are energised and raring to launch their Junior All-Ireland series against Derry this Sunday, declared captain Shannan McQuade.

As the Erne county’s biggest competitive fixture between the league’s end and the championship, the Ulster final was crucial in building momentum, particularly after the hurtful defeat against Carlow in their Division Four league semi-final back in March.

Clearing that hurdle with flying colours created a ‘really good buzz’ in the camp, observed McQuade, as the excitement builds ahead of this Sunday’s championship opener.


“We had a big gap between when the league finished and championship starting, so I think we had to make our stamp in that (Ulster final) of how we wanted to go on the rest of the year. And we went out, done what we planned to do and got the result in the end,” recalled McQuade.

“There’s been a really good buzz since that; we trained last night (Monday) and I think coming into championship week there does be a different vibe around the camp.


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