
Knife man told prison awaits if there’s a next time

A KESH man caught with a blade has escaped prison but was warned that his “liberty will be at risk” if he’s up before Court again.

Dannan Hamilton, 20, of Fortview Park, Kesh, pleaded guilty at Enniskillen Magistrates Court to possessing an article with a blade, possession of a class B drug (Cannabis) and possession of a class C drug (Pregabalin).

The Court heard that on January 30 at 11.10am, stopped the defendant on Pound Street, Irvinestown. A search took place and a scalpel knife was found on Hamilton.


On March 19, police stopped a vehicle on Dromore Road, Omagh. Upon opening the door, they could smell cannabis. Hamilton handed over a small quantity of pregabalin tablets and cigarettes that had 2g of cannabis in them.

The defending solicitor asked the Court to take into account his client’s early plea of guilty. He added that Hamilton has detoxed completely from pregabalin and is limiting his cannabis use. He asked the Court to consider probation as an option.

District Judge Alana McSorley told Hamilton: “The Court is concerned that a young person like you is carrying a knife. With regard to the drug offences, I am placing you on probation for 12 months.

“I am delaying sentencing on the knife offence for six months to monitor how you are doing.

“However, if you do not comply with the terms of your probation, you are at risk of losing your liberty.”

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