
Public urged to be on lookout for distressed sheep

AS MANY who grew up in the Fermanagh countryside will already know, at this time of year sheep can have a tendency to fall over, whether from the weight of their woolly winter fleece or because they are pregnant.

While it may seem like the sheep is resting, this is actually a very serious cause for concern. Once the sheep tips over it can be extremely difficult for it to get back up and if left for too long it can cause a slow and painful death for the animal through suffocation.

Local election candidate Emma DeSouza, who moved to the Fermanagh countryside last year, has been raising awareness of the problem in recent times.


In the below video Ms DeSouza urges anyone who comes across a sheep in distress not to ignore it. A simple roll can help save the sheep’s life.

If you come across a sheep that has fallen on its back, it is advised to contact its farmer and alert them to the situation.

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