
Answering the call: retired nurse returns to frontline

FRANCIS Smith, a former sister over the Critical Care Unit at SWAH has came out of retirement in order to help her colleagues in one of the toughest and most frightening battles she has faced in a career that spans over 29 years. 
Speaking to the Herald about this experience and coming back to the frontline two and a half years into retirement, Francis said, “My biggest concern at the moment is for my family as three out of four of us are essential workers which may potentially increase our risks. 
“I fear that any of my family take this disease and become critically ill and I am not able to be with them. However, I pray that the health service doesn’t get overwhelmed and there are enough beds and ventilators for all who need it. I light my candle and pray for everyone daily, especially all front line workers for their protection and safety.
“I still work as a bank nurse when needed, I have 29 years experience in Critical Care and was more than happy to offer my return to this area, where I’m required to support my colleagues and their patients. 
“I have great concerns and feel apprehensive as the media updates are frightening and especially as some NHS staff has already died. I feel I have a duty of care as a registered nurse to help at this time if I am required. 
“So please stay at home everyone and keep all those essential workers safe to carry out their duties. Even as the weather gets warmer, stay home because if we get this right now we will have many more summers to enjoy the weather.”
She added; “Everyone’s life is very precious. Everyone needs to take a moment and reflect on their actions as essential workers are leaving their homes and families every day to undertake their duties and by not following government advice people are putting them at risk. 
“Just check the statistics in other countries which are shocking and that could be us if we don’t adhere to government guidelines. I urge people to stay safe and stay in doors.”

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